The late Derek Brooks collected photos of the village for most of his life and his images form the basis of these photo galleries. Significant contributions have also been made by Ian Macfarlane and Martin Parry. Photos have been contributed by people from both inside and outside the village and as far away as Australia.
There are a significant number of photos where either the date or the people featured are not known. If you can help to add or correct information, we would be very grateful for your assistance. You can do this by leaving a comment on the photo in question. If you first register and then log in, you can simply leave your comment, without needing to use the 'capcha' feature or fill in other boxes. Should you not wish to register and log in, comments or corrections can be e-mailed to us, using the Contact us page, in the About us section. Please refer to the number of the photo, where there is one, or to the title.
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